
SASTA uses a range of lexicons. We will briefly describe these here.


The Alpinolexicon is used inside Alpino. This lexicon is not just a list of words with their properties but has a more complex structure and also contains rules to deal with systematic cases, programmed in Prolog. This makes it less usable outside of Alpino.

The predicate ‘is contained in the Alpino-lexicon’ is also not easy to define. One can only do this by parsing the relevant word. But Alpino will come back with a word analysed as a compound if it can analyse it as a compound, even if it is not listed as such in the Alpino lexicon, and the difference cannot be seen. The properties that a word will get in the parse are also in part dependent on the context in which it occurs. For example, a verb may have many frame options but will have only one left in a particular utterance.

Gertjan van Noord wrote to me about this:

als je Alpino hebt, gaat het zo

p lex_all

en nu kun je per regel een zin (of een woord) ingeven. Alpino toont vervolgens alle categorieën die het woord heeft gekregen. Vb:

1 |: p lex_all
1 |: de autootje
[... debug info ...]

de regels die met TAG beginnen zijn relevant. En die hebben velden, gescheiden door | veld 4 is de woordsoort, veld 5 is de naam van de heuristiek die is gebruikt. Als die naam met 'normal(' begint, zou je kunnen zeggen dat het woord gewoon in het woordenboek staat.


The lexicon that we use most is CELEX. There is a module lexicon.py which provides the interface to the lexion actually used:

But in it the actual lexicon used is the CELEX lexicon, taken care of by the celexlexicon module:


Name lexicons

Names very often consist of multiple words. For individual words it is therefore important to check whether they can be a part of a (possibly multiword) name. The relevant module is the namepartlexicon module.

The dictionary with nameparts has been derived by the SASTA script getnamepartslexicon:

Filled pauses lexicon

The filledpauseslexicon is a set created in the module dedup on the basis of the file filledpauseslexicon/filledpauseslexicon.txt in the code folder.

This file has been created by searching for strings marked with & in the Dutch CHILDES corpora (with the script getchildes.py), and manual filtering.


Exception Lists

There are several lists of words in SASTA for a variety of reasons. At the moment they are distributed over multiple files. But it would be a good idea to put them all together in a single module. We will call this module (that does not exist yet) exceptionlists.py.